World fame Indian cine artist, millennium star Amitabh Bachchan is well known in politics also along with his activities in films. After the murder of Indian Prime Minister Mrs. Indira Gandhi in 1984, for giving a helping hand to her elder son Rajiv Gandhi, due to his family relations with Nehru-Gandhi family, he came to forefront in 1985, as a member of Congress (I), largest political party of India. Amitabh Bachchan contested the parliamentary election on congress party ticket in 1985 from Allahabad (56) parliamentary constituency situated in Uttar Pradesh, the biggest state of India. Regarding his taking part in politics, he had said it many a time that it was his wrong decision because he did not know politics. As a matter of chance I worked as a political associate of Amitabh Bachchan in 1985 elections in Allahabad. So I had to help him in political correspondence from time to time. After that, one of his letters in October 1987, Bachchan wrote to me and confirmed his faith that he would always be linked with congress and the works of national welfare and would always try for its progress.
Anyhow it is a matter of 1987, about two decades earlier. Since then, Indian politics has passed through many political upheavals, new political equation and rise and fall of many political parties. In 1985, when Amitabh stepped in politics through the congress party, he was star campaigner of congress and one of the most trustworthy companions of Nehru Gandhi family. But after his entrance in politics, he tasted so bitter an experience which perhaps any other film artist might not had. During that period, his political concerns kept him away from the film & besides that some zealous congress leaders laid a conspiracy to insult, to indignity & to dishonour him. In short, his two & half years of involvement in Indian politics, he was so fed up that he resigned from the membership of Lok Sabha in 1987 & he had to come back to his main occupation in film industry. During this period, Amitabh Bachchan bore a great economic loss & had a heavy burden.
At that time Amitabh was in hot waters. Not to say of helping struggling Amitabh, perhaps there was no one in the Congress Party who could understand his mental pain. But an active regional party in Uttar Pradesh in India named Samajwadi Party recognised this Zen & some skilled players in politics won his confidence. With the passage of time, the economic condition of Amitabh began to improve. This great hero got a highly dignified title in India Padam Shri by 1987, during the Congress regime. After leaving Congress party, this great hero reached the embellishing point to have the supreme & honourable ranks as Padam Bhushan & Millennium star. Whereas even his statue was configured in world famous museum of Madam Tussad in London. Flowers started to get name Amitabh in Singapore. On the other side, during this period of two decades, the distance between this great hero & the families of first Prime Minister Pundit Jawaharlal Nehru & Smt. Indira Gandhi went on increasing; some companions came into the life of Amitabh whom he introduces as his chum or brother. Undoubtedly these friends of Amitabh did some good to him but today those friends seem to be demanding price for that obligations.
In spite of many efforts of Amitabh to remain away from politics, reminding Amitabh of that good turns & obligations, Big B is being said to return those good turns. The people who had been near to him & knew his well, know it that he is not dishonest. He is not cunning like skilled politicians. He doesn't have crafty & deceitful habits. He is trustworthy & keeps this attribute in his mind. Regarding his love from public, I don't hesitate to say that when he was in active politics & was present on stage to address the election meetings, people wanted to hear him & none else.
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