Mira Nair’s film Namesake will soon be releasing, but many from bollywood have already attended the premiere. The who’s who of bollywood was present at the event and it seems like everyone loved the film. Tabu and Irfan Khan are a part of the film. However even before the release of Namesake, it seems like Mira is all geared up for her next film already. In fact Mira has already finalized the cast of her next film Shantaram. One of the icons in bollywood, Amitabh Bachchan will be a part of the film and along with him, Hollywood star Johnny Depp will also be in the film. Mira is ecstatic that she has been able to cast two extremely talented actors both from bollywood as well as Hollywood.
Mira is very happy with her casting coup and says “I will be the first director to get Bachchan to do a Hollywood film. Imagine Bachchan and Depp in the same frame it’s enough to blow anybody’s mind.” This will be Amitabh’s first international film in Hollywood and hence no doubt he wants to be portrayed well. Amitabh will be playing an Indian underworld don, but one with certain kind of morals. The film is based on Gregory David Roberts autobiographical novel of the same name, it is based on an Australian robber and drug addict who escapes from prison and reinvents himself by starting a medical clinic in the slums of Bombay.
The film will be one of Nair’s biggest projects and the approximate budget for the film is said to be around $ 100 million.Johnny Depp will play the role of the foreign convict and will work closely with Bachchan. Amitabh says “Mira met me and has offered me the role, I’ve accepted.” Mira will only be the second female director that Bachchan has ever worked with in his illustrious career so far. Mira will also definitely have one small but strong female character in the film likely to play the role of an Indian journalist. Mira has already started pre production work on the film.
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